3 Beauty Salons for sale in West London. Looking to Buy a Beauty Salon in West London? View our free Buyers Guide.
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business valuations.
Operated as a Laser & Skin Clinic.
SINGLE FRONTED PREMISES, 704 sq ft approx, with wooden floor. Reception, console, consultation table, 5 mirrors, 4 chairs
1 beauty room used for n...
DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 400 ft² with laminated strip floor, suspended ceiling with LED lighting, Reception desk, waiting area
2 work stations with chairs used for nails
1 work sta...
DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 750 ft² with tiled floor, ceiling with spot lights, Reception desk, computer, chairs for customers' waiting
7 work stations with chairs & mirrors
Looking to sell a Beauty Salon in West London?
We have a tried and tested formula with multi site distribution and free Business
Valuation Service to help you sell your Beauty Salon in West London.