Nationwide Businesses have built up strong working relationships with finance brokers and major UK lending institutions, banks and Finance Houses. Our brokers specialises in helping business borrowers re-finance or acquire all types of businesses finance in the UK. The key to obtaining funding is good connections within the lending institutions and an understanding of the borrowing criteria.
Interest rates are at an all time low which means you need to provide a well thought out and fully documented proposal, only the best will get traditional high street bank funding, but there are other sources for finance.
Successful funding package will be reliant on security, your experience in this sector and ability to repay the loan. We recommend you look into finance before you see any businesses but a rule of thumb is:
On a Leasehold Purchase you need a minimum of 50% of the purchase price and the money for stock, solicitors, rent deposit. Subject to status.
On a Freehold Purchase you need a minimum of 25% of the purchase price and the money for stock, solicitors and stamp duty. Subject to status.
We can help with any business you decide to purchase not just those being sold by Nationwide Businesses for any help or guidance please call us on 020 8763 1777.
You must remember that your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or other loan secured on it.