Convenience Stores for sale in Oxfordshire

1 Convenience Stores for sale in Oxfordshire. Looking to Buy a Convenience Store in Oxfordshire? View our free Buyers Guide. Want to Sell a Convenience Store in Oxfordshire? free business valuations.

Asian and Caribbean Store in Oxfordshire For Sale Asian and Caribbean Store in Oxfordshire
Turnover : £2,000 p.w. Leasehold : £49,500

6 DAYS OPENING £22,000 NET PROFIT DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 450 ft² with laminated strip floor, sales counter, EPOS till, modern adjustable shelving, drinks display fridge (glass fr...

Sell a Convenience Store in OxfordshireLooking to sell a Convenience Store in Oxfordshire? We have a tried and tested formula with multi site distribution and free Business Valuation Service to help you sell your Convenience Store in Oxfordshire.

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Guide to selling a business

Buy a Convenience Store

Many neighbourhoods have seen the re emergence of the local convenience stores. With the frantic pace of life being able to pop in and get what you want quickly has proven to be increasingly popular. Running a convenience stores is perceived to be 'straight forward' requiring less skill sets than service businesses. Convenience Stores EPOS systems support vendors in monitoring staff, and help achieve a disciplined approach to buying and careful stock control.


'Yet again Nationwide found me a shop with short hours and little competition. I’ve introduced an Off licence, Pay Zone and applied for the National Lottery. I’m now open 7 days a week and the takings of my Convenience Store have soared. I will trust Mr Leonard to lease this shop for me in a few years. Thank you! - Mrs P – South Wales Summer 2017'