6 Dry Cleaners for sale in South London. Looking to Buy a Dry Cleaners in South London? View our free Buyers Guide.
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DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 915 ft². Tiled floor, suspended ceiling with fluorescent lighting. Sales counter, cash register. Union Dry Cleaning machine, steam cabinet...
DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 935 ft² WITH ELECTRIC SHUTTERS, lino floor, suspended ceiling with fluorescent lighting, desk
1 large wash...
SPACIOUS SINGLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 500 ft². Union dry cleaning machine , 1 Hoffman press, ironing table, 1 spotting table, cabinet, sewing machine, overlocking machine, hemming machine...
MODERN SHOP FRONT. PREMISES in the region of 225 ft² with New counter, computerised till, shirt machine (we understand approximately 7 years old), collar machine, 1 sewing machine, 1 overlocking mach...
Car parking for approximately 16 cars
SPACIOUS GROUND FLOOR PREMISES in the region of 5,000/6,000 sq. ft. with concrete floor & fully equipped including 4 large Calendar ironing machines, 4 ind...
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Buy a Dry Cleaners
An ever expanding sector of the economy the service, or tertiary, sector encompasses a wide variety of businesses including dry cleaners amongst many others. Dry Cleaners typically employs a more skilled (sometimes qualified work force), although there is a role for the investor to 'man manage' a skilled staff without necessarily undertaking the primary dry cleaners service directly. Any high street has an increasing number of service providers and although the Internet has a role in introducing buyers and sellers this industry typically involves a physical interaction.
'When my friends want to sell I tell them to go to Nationwide Businesses and ask for Mr Leonard. This is the third dry cleaners you’ve sold for me. I’m taking a break now, but when I’m looking I’ll make straight for your website. – Mr F.A. Essex – December 2016'