8 Hairdressers Salons for sale in North London. Looking to Buy a Hairdressers in North London? View our free Buyers Guide.
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business valuations.
DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES, in the region of 250 ft², WITH ELECTRIC SHUTTERS - Tiled flooring, suspended ceiling with spot lights.
Customer waiting area with sofas.
Reception desk - Electric cash...
Google Rating 4.8
SINGLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 375 ft² with ELECTRIC SHUTTERS. CCTV (2 cameras). Oak flooring, suspended ceiling with LED lighting. Customer waiting ...
DOUBLE FRONTED AIR CONDITIONED PREMISES in the region of 725 ft², CCTV (4 cameras), Harwood flooring, Plasterboard ceiling with spot lights, feature pendants and a chadelier.
EXCELLENT HAIR SALON in the region of 300 sq ft. approx. (28 sq.m) with real wood flooring, chandelier. Reception desk, till. Waiting area.
6 work stations with mirrors &am...
DOUBLE FRONTED AIR CONDITIONED PREMISES, in the region of 500 ft², WITH ELECTRIC SHUTTERS, CCTV (2 cameras), Tiled floorinmg, Suspended ceiling.
Customer waiting area, chairs.
Reception Area -...
DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES WITH ELECTRIC SHUTTERS, laminated strip floor, suspended ceiling with LED lights, Reception desk, cash register
4 Work Stations with chairs & mirrors
1 Beauty Chair
SINGLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 320 ft² WITH ELECTRIC SHUTTERS, vinyl floor, suspended ceiling with spot lights, Air conditioning with hot air, Reception desk, 2 Ipdas, Cash box
3 Nail Sta...
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