Hairdressers Salons for sale in Reigate

4 Hairdressers Salons for sale in Reigate and surrounding areas. Looking to Buy a Hairdressers in Reigate? View our free Buyers Guide. Want to Sell a Hairdressers in Reigate? free business valuations.

Hair & Beauty Salon in Reigate For Sale Hair & Beauty Salon in Reigate
Turnover : £1,800 p.w. Leasehold : £52,000

4 DAYS OPENING DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES 370 ft² with awning. The salon has been newly renovated new laminate (wood effect) flooring with spot lights. The salon is well equipped including receptio...

We do have Hairdressers Salons in Reigate for sale, please Login to see all towns, the following are all in Surrey.

Hairdressing Salon plus adjoining Barber Shop in Surrey For Sale Hairdressing Salon plus adjoining Barber Shop in Surrey
Turnover : £2,000 p.w. Leasehold : £50,000

FORECOURT TO FRONT 5 DAYS OPENING DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 335 ft² WITH ELECTRIC SHUTTERS with 2 interconnecting units. Barbers with tiled floor, suspended ceiling with LED ligh...
Immaculate Beauty Salon in Surrey For Sale Immaculate Beauty Salon in Surrey
Turnover : £1,800 p.w. Leasehold : £85,000

Established 1984 5 DAYS OPENING DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 450 ft² with laminated strip floor, Air conditioning with hot air suspended ceiling with hanging lights, Reception desk, ...
Beauty Salon in Surrey For Sale Beauty Salon in Surrey
Turnover : £4,300 p.w. Leasehold : £50,000

FORECOURT WITH PARKING FOR 3/4 CARS 5 DAYS OPENING DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 735 ft² with laminated strip floor, suspended ceiling with LED spotlight. Air conditioning with hot ai...

Sell a Hairdressers in ReigateLooking to sell a Hairdressers in Reigate? We have a tried and tested formula with multi site distribution and free Business Valuation Service to help you sell your Hairdressers in Reigate.

This page is for Hairdressers Salons for sale in all areas Reigate including: Woodhatch, South Park, Skimmington, Leigh, Dawes Green, Bunce Common, Shellwood Cross, Nalderswood, Sidlow, Irons Bottom. If you are looking to buy or sell a business in any of these areas of Reigate then we would love to hear from you.

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