11 Retail Businesses for sale in South West. Looking to Buy a Shop in South West? View our free Buyers Guide.
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business valuations.
Front area with space for 4 tables & 8 chairs
SPACIOUS SINGLE FRONTED CAFÉ in the region of 980 ft² with tiled floor, ceiling lighting. Tables & chairs plus 2 sofas with coffee table provi...
Ample customers' car parking in service road in front of shop for 30 minutes.
DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 1,825 ft² with ELECTRIC SHUTTERS. In...
DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 1,135 ft² with industrial non-slip floor, ceiling with LED & Hanging lights, Freezer display counter, EPOS till. Tables and chairs providing seating for 83...
The business has been in the same hands for the past 15 years & there are genuine reasons for sale.
Approximately 400 sq. ft. WORK SHOP. Fully equipped including work bench with vice, MIG weld...
Convenience Store and Post Office in Cornwall Turnover : £8,000 p.w.
Post Office : £12,000
Leasehold : £125,000
Forecourt Parking
SINGLE FRONTED PREMISES, in the region of 850 ft², ALARMED, Vinyl and carpet tiled flooring, LED tube lighting.
Sales counter - Electronic cash register.
Equipement includ...
SINGLE FRONTED PREMISES with tiled floor, suspended ceiling with LED lighting, sales counter, cigarette draw, drinks display fridge (glass fronted upright double-door), open cool display unit (1.5 met...
SINGLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 1,120 ft² with carpet tiled floor, suspended ceiling with LED lighting, sales counter, EPOS till, modern adjustable shelving, card display st...
Convenience Store with Post Office and HMO in Somerset Turnover : £1,500 p.w.
Post Office : £135,000
Leasehold : £375,000
IMPRESSIVE PREMISES 3,000 sq ft. Laminate woodstrip floor, suspended ceiling with LED spotlights. 2 EPOS tills with card payment machines, COUNTERS,counters, 5m fridge, 2-3.75m fridges, 2.5m fridge,...
Convenience Store plus Post Office in Somerset Turnover : £1,500 p.w.
Post Office : £135,000
Leasehold : £225,000
IMPRESSIVE PREMISES 3,000 sq ft. Laminate woodstrip floor, suspended ceiling with LED spotlights. 2 EPOS tills with card payment machines, COUNTERS,counters, 5m fridge, 2-3.75m fridges, 2.5m fridge,...
DOUBLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 300 ft² with carpeted (heavy duty) floor, ceiling with fluorescent lighting, sales counter, EPOS till, cigarette gantry, modern adjustable s...
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