1 Burger Vans for sale in Hertfordshire. Looking to Buy a Burger Van in Hertfordshire? View our free Buyers Guide. Want to Sell a Burger Van in Hertfordshire? free business valuations.
Looking to sell a Burger Van in Hertfordshire?
We have a tried and tested formula with multi site distribution and free Business
Valuation Service to help you sell your Burger Van in Hertfordshire.
Burger Vans in the catering industry have continued to enjoy popular growth throughout all stages of the economic cycle. A typical high street may have burger vans, fast food establishments and restaurants where patrons can choose the culinary experience their socio economic group desire.
A career burger vans caterer’s working day has natural busy periods, but with good preparation and flexible staffing gross profits of 70% plus are achievable. Many caterer’s maximise revenue generated against premises costs developing a takeaway service to compliment their high street presence, some even offering a home or office delivery option. Outside catering including corporate buffets provide another lucrative income stream, and, diversify risk.
Running a burger vans is a dynamic venture which, when conscientiously managed, can achieve significant financial rewards.
'On your website we found 3 Burger Vans for sale with regular rounds and fates that we have been able to take over. It would have taken us years to build up a business from scratch, Thank you. - Sept 2016'