Cafes for sale in Tottenham Court Road

0 Cafes for sale in Tottenham Court Road and surrounding areas. Looking to Buy a Cafe in Tottenham Court Road? View our free Buyers Guide. Want to Sell a Cafe in Tottenham Court Road? free business valuations.

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Guide to Buying a Business

Buy a Cafe

Cafes are recession proof offering service ranging value for money for the working man to up market dining in the more affluent areas. Location is everything, and, then adopt a policy to suit your market.


'Well we got there in the end !! Shop sold and completed at last. I would just like to thank you very much for all you did to help sort it all out and for your patience with me when I got quite stressed with it all.
I will be forever grateful that you were the person dealing with the sale and your commitment to getting the job done. It was second to none.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy new year and thank you again for all your help over the last couple of years.
Best regards,
Shirley - Jan 2017'